MAY, #0408 |
Giju Featured On ESPN2

Giju to be featured on ESPN's 4th Annual World Salsa Championships airing May 27th!!
The segment will showcase Giju's live vocal and Beyond Dreamz Team dance performance, accompanied by professional dance partner Kristen Nolan, Bay Area dancers Liz Rojas and John Narvaez (of the famed Oakland-based Salsamania), and current "Dreamz Team" members Erik William Avitia and Alicia Cacace. The performance marked the continuation of Giju's U.S. album tour and official launch of the Beyond Dreamz Entertainment dance production company concept.
The three day World Salsa Championships event was held in Orlando, Florida last December, and showcased the worlds best salsa dance and music performances from around the globe including the U.S. Puerto Rico, Mexico, China and Europe.
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Airs on ESPN2 May 27th, 2008 / 9pm EST/ 6pm PST
Don't Miss It!!
Feature Interview
The Man Behind "The Dreamz"
by Marie Gunter
"In this wonderful and vibrant world, live your life in the moment and to the fullest. Cherish the friendships, pursue the dreams and spread the message of love. It has the power to make the impossible, possible."
- Giju
An innovative world/pop music vocalist, producer and world-ranked Salsa dancer, Giju has awakened audiences with his versatile and energetic style since his youth. With a remarkable power to move the spirit, Giju is positioned as one of the most compelling and captivating performers to hit the Indian and world music scene. His first album, released in June 2007 by Raga-to-Rock Records, features six singles including the title Salsa track, Rang Rangeeli.
Giju is an Indian-born and raised vocalist who currently resides in California, U.S. where his creative talents are expressed through music and as an engineer for Intel Corporation. Having acquired a strong foundation through proper training, Giju has pursued and shared his passion for music and dance since childhood.
He received training in Indian classical music (Carnatic), along with training in Bharatanatyam, an Indian classical dance form. He has participated in professional music endeavors both in India and the U.S.
Through his versatile and energetic style, Giju has been reaching audiences since his youth. His dedication to his craft and remarkable power to move his listeners, positions Giju as one of the most compelling and captivating performers to hit the Indian music scene.
An amazingly gifted artist, Giju is also an accomplished Salsa dancer and choreographer. He is an original member of the San Francisco Bay Area-based Salsamania Dance Company, a world-ranked professional Salsa dance troupe known for its hypnotic performances marked by high levels of speed and technical difficulty. While with Salsamania, Giju performed and competed throughout the U.S., Europe and Mexico. He left Salsamania in December 2007 to focus his efforts on the launch of his album, music video and new Salsa dance production company: the Beyond Dreamz Entertainment "Dreamz Team".
MG: Hello Giju, congratulations on the fantastic accomplishment of your first album, music video, and newly launched dance production company the "Dreamz Team".
For those who aren't familiar with your background, can you briefly describe what Beyond Dreamz Entertainment is, why you founded the organization and your primary goal?
Giju: Beyond Dreamz Entertainment was founded with the mission of creating innovative music and dance productions, fusing Indian and Latin music/dance styles. I want to use this platform to popularize this new genre of music/dance style all around the world. When I set out to make my album, I faced a lot of difficulties from the music industry and concerning its standards and rules. Maybe I didnt meet the right people then, but if I were to go along with their program... I wouldnt have been able to produce the type of music I believe in. That was one compelling reason behind establishing Beyond Dreamz Entertainment to use this as a platform to encourage new and upcoming artists to create novel, high quality music.
MG: It has been wonderful to see you being featured in numerous interviews and as a guest performer these past months, especially as you toured across India. Why is it important to bring your unique brand of vocal and salsa dance talent back to your homeland?
Giju: India is where my roots are; where I cultivated my passion towards music and dance. Without the foundation that I earned while growing up there, I wouldnt have been able to pursue my artistic goals. Now, its my turn to give something back. To contribute in my own way by adding to the variety and richness of the Indian music scene. The fact that the Indian audience has always been very receptive to global music makes me only that much more optimistic in my endeavors.
MG: You are considered to be a "trailblazer", the first to successfully bridge the Latin and Hindi cultures with your unique style of music and dance production. How did this concept originate?
Giju: Until I moved to California, about 8 years ago, my image of Latin music was more or less limited to Flamenco guitar and bongos!! Once I got exposed to mambo, cha-cha-cha and other popular music/dance styles, my understanding of Latin music, in all its nuances and shades, started to evolve. I had also taken up salsa dancing at the professional level, so this greatly contributed toward my ability to interpret the music from a dancer's perspective. So, when I started to toy with the idea of making an album, the first idea that struck me was a style that would combine the structure of Indian music with the flavor of mambo. In hindsight, I think it was only natural. Popular Indian music has a lot of flexibility in its structure, but to "Indianize" salsa without losing the flavor and feel of salsa was . . .nothing less than a Herculean task!
MG: Your artistic career has been a lifelong culmination of deliberate and focused training, dedication, and hard work. Can you share the evolution of that process with us?
Giju: It has been an interesting journey, to say the least. My association with music and dance was initiated when I was around 8 years old, and it all started because of my mom!! She put me into training, despite my childish but strong efforts to rebel and I am so grateful to her for that. I was trained in what is considered to be one of the oldest systems of music in the world - "Carnatic music" (one of the two major classical music styles in India), and Bharathanatyam (a popular classical dance from South India) for 7 years. However, I was all the while more attracted to the more popular or mainstream music and dance styles, so it was only natural that I gradually stopped performing classical music and dance pieces and started venturing out toward more contemporary elements. Bollywood was a major source of inspiration to me, as well as influences from the west including such artists as Michael Jackson and George Michael.
After I came to the U.S. to pursue a Masters degree, at USF Tampa, FL, I got involved in shows, concerts and projects both in and outside of the university setting. In terms of music and dance styles, these events incorporated a lot of international elements. Apart from being an altogether great experience, it was an intense period of learning for me. After completing my degree, I moved to California and you all know the rest of the story.
MG: In addition to following your creative passion, you are also a full time professional engineering manager at a world-class organization. Tell us some of the challenges you face in balancing all these responsibilities?
Giju: Yes, I am a Senior Reliability Engineer for Intel Corporation. This is my 8th year with them. Intel is a great company to work for and Im very fortunate to participate in a group where I get to work on cutting-edge technology where my technical skills are constantly challenged. My manager and colleagues know about my off-work activities which they fully support. This is a tremendous help.
To say that its challenging to manage between my work, my music and video projects, my production company the Dreamz Team, classes, privates, workshops and obviously my personal life would be a huge understatement. I can either look at all these things, complain about not having enough time, or figure out the logistics to make all of it happen. I choose to do the latter. All you need is conviction and faith; your mind and body will then respond with loads of positive energy for you to draw from.
If I ever feel overwhelmed, I think of my parents, especially my mom and how she managed to raise me and my brothers, took care of the whole family, led a lot of community activities, private tutoring and much more all this while having a full time job. Im sure there are millions of working moms like that. Compared to that, what I do is mere childs play.
MG: Your album, "Rang Rangeeli yeh Duniya" contains a diverse landscape of music within this new genre you've created. Can you briefly describe each of the songs?
Giju: Rang Rangeeli yeh Duniya I wanted the title track of the album to be a reflection on the way I live my life and my values and beliefs. In this wonderful and vibrant world, live your life in the moment and to the fullest. Cherish the friendships, pursue the dreams and spread the message of love. It has the power to make the impossible, possible. Since Id produced a music video in conjunction with this song, we added a romantic angle to accommodate the storyline but without disrupting the central theme.
Ashtufah The theme of Ashtufah is spiritual in nature. It is about my interaction with the Providence. In times of perplexity and frustration, Im seeking wisdom and right guidance from the Supreme divine. All my efforts are in vain if I dont have Gods grace and reflection within me. Dhoondun Tujhe This song is about my search (symbolic, obviously) for my dream girl. I have vivid image of what shes like and I know that she is real, but it feels like she eludes me each time I come close to her.
Dil Ko Kiya The theme for this song is very personal to me. Its about my first love. Fond memories of her rushing back to me after so many years, and I indulge in reminiscing those endearing moments with her. I think this is a theme that everyone can relate to in their own personal life.
Sun Panchiyon A guy and a girl who are great friends, are debating over a possible change in the status quo of their relationship. The guy is in love with her, and he is professing his love to her. While on the other hand, the girl is too worried about the risks involved in falling in love, and wants to remain good friends. It has a playful feel to it.
Jenna Woh The theme is more of an extension to that of the title track, Rang Rangeeli. Life is short and replete with uncertainties. Dont carry the baggage of the past or worry too much about the future. Live in the present. There is nothing one cant achieve in life with strong conviction in the heart and good friends standing by.
MG: During the first leg of your 2008 world tour this past February and March, the Beyond Dreamz Entertainment dance production team the "Dreamz Team", remained here in the Bay Area to master some new choreography you've recently completed. Tell us about that process and your plans for the team.
Giju: Both Kristen and I had to leave to India for my tour right after we finished the dance audition. In our absence, we still wanted the team to get started on the choreography that we had prepared, so as to familiarize them with our style. Erik and Tatiana, our team leads, initiated the practice and training in our absence. Its great to have these two outstanding dancers, and good friends, who understand our style and share the same work culture as we do. They rose to the occasion and took excellent care of the team.
Upon our return in early March, I re-structured the choreography completely, with Kristens assistance. We also incorporated some ideas from our dancers. Although its just a small step towards my broader vision of a full fledged production, Im very content with what we have now. This is something we can build on.
The dancers are getting comfortable with the nature of the material and the dynamics of the choreography. It's quite different from what most of them are used to. Currently we are getting ready to perform at the 2008 L.A. Salsa Congress. Right after that I want to start working with them on the choreography for my next video production, which will happen in August. The team will also perform at the upcoming Indian Salsa Congress in August.
MG: Last month, we had an opportunity to gain some perspective on the 2008 "Dreamz Team", as they each shared something of their personal history and dance background. Clearly, this is a group of intelligent, talented and very creative individuals who enjoy life! What can you tell us about the team as a whole that may not have been reflected through their profiles?
Giju: Absolutely, I feel so blessed to have all these wonderfully talented people on the team. Each of them carries a very distinct personality which adds more to the overall flavor and scope of the team. There is also great camaraderie and chemistry between all of the dancers, which makes the rehearsals very productive and the performances more enjoyable. As the first team of dancers for Beyond Dreamz Entertainment, they provide a strong foundation for a very successful future for the company. Kristen and I couldn't be any happier with this group.
MG: The success of Bay Area salsa depends upon a cooperative and competitive spirit among all participants, including dancers, DJs, bands, promoters and supporting vendors. Now that you are on the production side of the business versus being immersed in the purely competitive performance arena, how do you see yourself and Beyond Dreamz Entertainment contributing to the positive growth of the salsa scene - first locally and then globally?
Giju: Salsa has become a universal phenomenon which is bridging cultural and racial gaps, and I would like to add my contribution to that through my music and video projects as well as Beyond Dreamz Entertainment productions. I want to position Beyond Dreamz as a platform on which a lot of world-class collaborative works can be made, by bringing together the kinds of talents that you have mentioned. Most of my projects, which are set to have exposure at international level, will have prominent representation from the Bay Area salsa community. Take the Beyond Dreamz team for example, I just launched the team and they are already set to be part of an international video project in August. There will be more projects in the future that are similar, but larger in scope. I want to fully tap into and showcase the immense talent that we have right here at home, while also working to expand the reach of Latin music/dance and open it up to other rich and diverse styles, namely Indian and Arabic.
Im really excited about those opportunities.
Back Row: William Erik Avitia, Elena Gil, Corey Raynor, Alicia Cacace, Jon Entwistle, Tatiana Lim, Miguel Escobar Center: Giju Front Row: N'diaye Diako, Kristen Nolan, Latefa Redjouh
Check out Updated Profiles for the " Dreamz Team"!!
Thank you for spending this time with us, Giju. We look forward to following your progress and meeting up with you again to learn more about your exciting new video projects and world travels!
For additional information about Giju visit: www.beyonddreamz.com
Note: All photographs in this feature are provided courtesy of Beyond Dreamz Entertainment. All rights reserved.
June Salsa Workshop Series
Join Giju and Kristen for an Exclusive Salsa Workshop Experience
** Register for complete series by May 30th ** for a chance to win a FULL 2008 S.F. SALSA CONGRESS PASS!! The last Beyond Dreamz workshop series of the season... you don't want to miss this!!
Email: gunter.marie@gmail.com

10th Annual L.A. International Salsa Congress

See GIJU and the Dreamz Team Perform at L.A. Congress on May 29th!!
We Are BACK at the LAX Radisson! One Hotel, More
Dance Floor, 4 Great Nights & We are Limiting The Attendance this
year to Only 3,000 Attendees. This Event Will Sell Out Very Early! Special Musical Guest & Band: Cheo Feliciano & New Swing Sextet doing a tribute to Joe Cuba & Many More Surprises....
Over 50 Workshops / Only One Performance Show Per Night / More Time For Social Dancing! We Are Giving You What You Have Requested.
2008 Los Angeles Salsa Congress
Creating Unity Through Salsa
MAY 29 to JUNE 1, 2008
 Hotel at Los Angeles Airport
6225 W. Century Blvd. , Los Angeles CA 90045 Reservations: (888) 201-1718 US Toll Free Telephone: Hotel: (310) 670-9000 Fax: Hotel: (310) 337-6555 Book Hotel Online: http://www.radisson.com/salsacongress
Giju Goes Mobile
Get Your Free RingTones!!
Rang Rangeeli Dhoondun Tujhe Dhoondun Tujhe A capella Ashtufah
Check this space monthly for more mobile media!
DJ Spotlight
Feature Interview
DJ Fab Fred: One-On-One Exclusive
"Find What You Need... In The Music"
- DJ Fab Fred
Check this space in June for our next DJ One-On-One Exclusive!
India International Salsa Congress
August 15-18, 2008 Bangalore, India
Hosted by Lourd Vijay http://www.lvds.in/

Changing Gears
The last couple of weeks have been, for the lack of a better word, eventful. On the upside, there has been great progress on the pre-production work for both of the next video projects. The "Dreamz Team" also performed the new routine at a few local venues. On the flip side, my musical mentor who molded me as a professional singer in my teenage years, passed away earlier this month in Kerala, India. Although he has been having health issues, I didnt expect him to go away so hastily. May his soul rest in peace. I owe him a lot!!
We are very close to selecting the lead girls for the upcoming videos. As per the directions from Pradipto, I did screen tests of two potential candidates (cant reveal the names yet!!) and sent the video clips to him for review. He has pretty much zeroed in on one candidate. We will make the final decision in a few weeks.
Sandeep Mohan, who is directing the second video set to my song "Dil Ko Kiya", added a new twist to the story treatment and Im pretty stoked about it. He is currently working on the full storyboard.
The dance production team is coming along nicely. The major challenge is aligning every one's schedules to do more rehearsals and shows. We need a couple more practice shows before LA Congress.

EOS Restuarant and Wine Bar
As a life adventurer, I'm a sucker for good food and wine, as Im sure most of you are! So, I got to let you know about this restaurant in SF its called EOS Restaurant and Wine Bar - Asian based fusion style cuisine. I have been there twice with Kristen and my good friend Mark. The food is PHENOMENAL!!!
If you get a chance, try it out.
Until next time, peace..!!
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