2008, #0908
Media Coverage
Giju's Latest News
Making His Mark
about Giju in the news by clicking on the links below.
* * *
Sat. August 23, 2008

How an Engineer From Intel
Danced His
Way Into the World of
Competitive Salsa
Read Livemint Feature Story on Giju Here!
by Pavitra Jayaraman
* * *
July 29, 20008

Intel Engineer From India Strikes Work-Life Balance,
And In The Process Creates A New
Genre: Hindi/Salsa
Read Mercury News Feature Story on Giju Here!
by Mike Cassidy, Mercury News Columnist
Watch Mercury News Video of Social Here!
(video courtesy
of Kristina Sangsahachart, Mercury News News all rights reserved.)
Click Montage (above right) for Updated
Summer Gala Pics!
(photos courtesy of Manoj Patel, photographer at large)
Feature Spotlight
KRIA World Fusion Music and Dance Benefit Concert
Early Bird tickets selling fast !!
Get $10 off on General
Admission, valid until Sept. 13th <--
September 20, 2008 at 6:00PM
Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95050

the journey to action and change while enjoying world music and fusion
dance with honorary guest Hollywood celebrity Faran Tahir (Iron Man, LostStar Trek XI). Event will
headline composers Abhishek Basu and Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya,
accompanied by local jazz musicians, Jim Wendt and Erik Everett; with
dance performances by Shivani Thakkar, Project Pulse, Kathy Barnhill, and
Holly Shaw. A silent auction will also be held featuring art pieces from
local Bay Area artists and proceeds will benefit Induz’s Tulika Project,
a program that provides art centers to underprivileged children in rural
is a non-profit organization driven by Silicon Valley professionals with
a passion to promote art and culture across the globe.
Founded in 2004, Induz started off
as a dedicated non-profit organization raising awareness and funds for
charities. It has since its inception morphed into a much bigger
initiative to raise money at hugely popular events in the bay area
promoting art and culture, for its own artistic endeavors globally.
Dreamz Team In India
Amazing Travels by Tatiana Lim
(Dreamz Team
dancer & field correspondent)

Hey Salsamaniacs!
We're having a wonderful trip in India !! Thank you so much for all of
your support in helping us get here.
I wanted to let you know that I've set up a Blog and Picasa web album
that you can check out if you want to see what we've been up to.
India Salsa Congress & Music Video Sneak Peaks
– Getting to India
- First day of rehearsal
– India Salsa Congress
- Arriving in Mumbai
- Marathon practice in Mumbai
- Make-up, practice, and party!
- Shoot Day 1: Club Scenes
My India Adventures Photos:

Beyond Dreamz Team Dancers &
India Salsa Congress Crew
Bangalore, India
Can you spot us? =)
Check out some of the non-Indian
instructors and dancers in Indian outfits (Anne and Annichi,
Arieh and Juan Matos) who were part
of a Bollywood production at Congress.
Complete India Travel Blog!
Pics & Video Clips)

7th Annual SF International Salsa Congress
November 20-23, 2008
Oakland Marriott City Center
& Hotel
Oakland, CA

Watch this space for more exciting
details . . .
DJ Spotlight
Feature Interview
DJ BoriQua: One-On-One
by Marie Gunter
"Let the
rhythm of Salsa fuel your soul."
DJ BoriQua
To take full advantage of the multi-media functions in Giju's Music
News, upgrade to Flash Player 9. It's easy . . .and free! **
--> Click on PLAYLIST
above to listen <--
Feature Interview with DJ Super Chino
Feature Interview with DJ Fab Fred
DJ BoriQua
originally from Puerto Rico, DJ BoriQua (a.k.a. Orlando Felix) has been largely inspired by
an infectious enthusiasm his father imparted to him as a child. "I
definitely have a lot more to learn about Salsa . . . but I also have
much to share from the knowledge and experience I've been so fortunate
to attain." As it is with several Bay Area Latin DJs, one of
his primary goals in this role, is to help educate about the music -
with its rich history, culture and the diversity of the artists who
have contributed so greatly to the Latin music movement.
DJ BoriQua speaks to some of the differences we may barely notice or
acknowledge about the music we hear played on the radio, at Latin music
and dance events, and in the clubs that we attend. Most likely,
it's because most of us have no idea what we're REALLY listening and/or
dancing to! You might be in a popular San Francisco club playing
old school salsa (salsa in its purest form); then just twenty minutes
down the peninsula, you could find yourself in another club,
bathed in a Central or South American salsa flavor with music that
comes out of Colombia!
MG: How and when did you get started as a
DJB: I never really intended to be a
DJ, but I started buying salsa music while growing up in my native
Puerto Rico. After joining the U.S. Air Force in 1992, they
stationed me in Okinawa, Japan for 3 years. There, I started
buying insane amounts of Salsa CD's - to keep me close to the feeling
of home. ;-) In 1999 I was deployed to Saudi Arabia, where
I began DJing "Latin Night", alongside other military
members, as part of the Air Force's Morale, Welfare and Recreation Program.
I continued Djing "Latin Night" in the Air Force at South
Korea (2000), and finally inside Travis Air Force base in Fairfield, CA
(2001-2003). Here in the Bay Area, my first opportunity to DJ
was given to me by Stephanie Palmeri at Steppin' Out Dance Studio in
MG: What were some of the primary influences
on your development as a DJ?
DJB: My most major influence would be my
father. He educated me on the history of Mambo, Guanguanco,
Pachanga, and other styles from the 50s and 60s. He had so many
vinyls in the house and we use to listen to the music on a daily basis.
He would tell us stories about the music scene in New York City and
Puerto Rico. He also informed us about the famous musicians of
the time, the instruments they played, etc. I never got tired of
it. My brother Danny has also been an inspiration. He is a
major music figure down in Jacksonville, FL - both as a radio DJ and
also as a promoter.
MG: What is your current involvement in the
SF Bay Area salsa scene?
DJB: Currently, I've been selected
(alongside the hottest DJs in the Bay Area), to spin for the second
year in a row at the 7th Annual SF Bay Area International Salsa
Congress. I am one of the resident DJs at GlasKat Lounge in San
Francisco, alongside DJ Super Chino and DJ EldelaClave. With the
help of Rodney "Rodchata" Aquino, I became one of the
resident DJs at Sh Boom! Nightclub in San Ramon, where DJ Super Chino
spins as well. I am the DJ for the Annual Sonoma County Salsa
Festival in Santa Rosa and assist EldelaClave at the AfinKao dance
company's monthly social at The Beat studio in Berkeley. . . where I am one of the principal
dancers. In addition to these DJ responsibilities, I
also teach a beginner On1 salsa dance class at Gold's Gym in Santa
Clara, alongside my beautiful girlfriend Nashely.
MG: How would you describe your particular
DJB: I try to DJ at a tempo where the
dancers can interpret the music. You also have to be aware of the
crowd where you are DJing. So, I'd like to think that I spin for
the dancers . . . being that I am one of them.
MG: What do you think are the primary
differences between salsa in the Bay Area salsa and salsa in other
parts of the world?
DJB: Well, I think the SF Bay Area is
unique because of the diversity in dancers. For example, in the
World Salsa Championships, we've had finalists in most every
division. We had 1st and 2nd place winners in the team divisions,
2nd and 3rd in the On2 division, and top ten in the On1 division.
That's a lot of talent and as you can see, we are well represented
across the board. In the nightclub scene, you can find live music
almost every night of the week somewhere in the Bay Area.
Sometimes you'll have two or more venues with live bands on the same
night! We are truly blessed in the Bay Area to have so many
options to support and celebrate our love of Latin music and dance!!
MG: What would you say are the
strengths/weaknesses in the Bay Area salsa community?
DJB: Our strength is definitely the unity
in the salsa scene. We seem to support each other here and
outside of the Bay Area. We are really proud of the product that
comes out of this region. Our weakness might be the fact that we
can fall victim to our own success. if everybody that turns out
successful in the scene tries to make a buck, it could lead to the
scene being too divided, which could lead to a "watered down" effect
of what's offered overall.
I think we're where we're supposed to be . . . UNITED!!
MG: The Bay Area is renowned for innovation
in many pursuits and salsa is no exception. What is your reaction
to what Giju has done with his first, and first ever Hindi/Salsa
cross-over album "Rang
Rangeeli yeh Duniya?
DJB: I remember back in 1991 I saw Orquesta
De La Luz (Japanese Salsa Band) perform at the University of Puerto
Rico and I thought to myself, "Wow, this is amazing!!!"
Today, we have Giju fusing Hindi with Salsa and he hit it out of the
park!!! Truly, Salsa is worldwide, crossing all boundaries!! The
sky is the limit for him and I wish him all the best of luck with this
and any other project he has coming in the future.
MG: What do you think is the most important
role of the DJ?
DJB: To know your music. You are part
of the salsa movement when you decide to spin. Be one with the
dancers and the listeners who attend your events. Always remember
. . . they are there to support you, so don't let them down.
There's nothing better than seeing a listener bobbing their head up and
down while they down rum and cokes, almost in a trance like
state. And those dancers that let you know what a great job you
did that particular night - there's no better feeling than that!
MG: What changes would you like to see in
the Bay Area salsa community and in the salsa scene at large?
DJB: I'd like to see more social dancing by
the troupe performers. Performing is a beautiful thing, but bring your
dancing to the social floor so you can inspire the casual guy/girl
attending an event. Let them say, "Man, I wanna dance like that!!!"
MG: Is music your full-time career or do
you have another vocation you pursue in addition to your role as DJ?
DJB: Believe it or not, I am an Air Traffic
Controller at San Carlos Airport on the Peninsula. I've been a
controller for over 16 years (11 of them in the Air Force). I DJ
and instruct as my side gigs. I'm also a proud parent. My
son Devin is 13 and my daughter Brianna is 9. They live in South
MG: Is there anything else you'd like to
share with our readers?
DJB: I'm proud to be a part of the Bay Area
salsa scene. I've made some great friends as a part of this
experience, DJs, dance company directors, and everyday dancers and
supporters of the scene. Every single one of them work hard to
inspire others and for that, we should be grateful.
Thank you for the opportunity to express myself.
* * *
you for spending this time with us, DJ BoriQua. We will look
forward to learning more of what you have to share AND to catch you
along with several other of our top DJs including: DJ Fab Fred, DJ El dela Clave, DJ La Coqui,
DJ Frank and DJ Nelson Flores at the upcoming premiere west
coast salsa event:
The 7th Annual
SF Bay Area Salsa Congress.
so fortunate with the level of DJ talent present here in the SF Bay
Area. Next time you're out dancing and hear a song you
appreciate, let the DJ know - inquire about the artist, the origin, the
era of the music. It might just broaden your mind. . . and will definitely enrich your
experience of SALSA!!
For additional information on DJ BoriQua visit:
DJ BoriQua on MySpace
Music and links in this feature provided courtesy of DJ BoriQua
Gunter, Editor (all rights
For More Feature DJ Interviews:
DJ Fab Fred
DJ Super Chino
Kristen's Corner
The Benefits of Cross-Training
Creating better mind-body awareness helps you to pick up choreography
quickly and become more comfortable in displaying it. When you
are exposed to another dance form, you challenge yourself mentally
because you must think harder about the new steps and technique
involved to make it look good. In addition, you can choose the
techniques or steps you enjoy from this dance form and merge them into
your salsa dancing to bring more unique flavors to the dance floor.
Focusing on weaknesses in your dancing, helps you to clean-up your
movement and make it flow. For example, if you are working on
your feet (dancing through the balls of your feet, pointing them, etc.)
then taking an International Latin Dance class will help, since many of
the beginning classes focus on this area of development. If you are
working on body isolations, I suggest taking a belly dancing
class. Lines can be perfected with Jazz and Ballet classes.
Hand and arm movements are best found in Flamenco Classes. Afro
Cuban and Hip Hop can help you loosen up your body movement and become
more grounded.
Finally, cross training helps you become a more well-rounded dancer.
This is important because you will be able to incorporate more visions
and views from other instructors and dance forms into your own
dancing. Being exposed to a wider variety of philosophies is eye
opening. Some explanations of techniques will trigger your
understanding much better than those of others.
In conclusion, to enhance your salsa skills try adding some classes
in different dance forms to supplement your salsa training. This
will aid you in your growth as a dancer.
I suggest checking out the classes at ODC Dance Commons in San
Francisco, CA or Just Dance Ballroom in Oakland, CA.
Most instructors at both of these studios have great classes:
Dance Commons
Just Dance
refer to our previous newsletters for more of Kristen's Tips:
June Newsletter for Part 1 - Spinning Techniques
July Newsletter for Part 2 - Spinning Techniques
August Newsletter for Isolation Techniques
* * *
Kristen Nolan is the co-director of the Beyond Dreamz
dance production team with GIJU, founder of Beyond Dreamz Entertainment
and Kristen's professional salsa dance partner. She performs and
teaches around the globe with Giju, and with the SF Bay Area based
Salsamania dance company. Kristen is a certified personal trainer
through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She assists dancers
and the general public, providing personal training to individuals who
seek a higher level of physical fitness, performance, or who would like
to achieve specific health and wellness goals.
information about Personal Training Sessions, contact:
Kristen Nolan
Giju's Blog
Click MONTAGE for Sneak Peak of Music Vid #2!
The last three weeks have felt
more like 3 months!!! There has been so much activity, planning and
firefighting associated with Music Video #3 (the music video shoot in Bombay);
I have enough material to write a book!!
The level of production elevated to an extent I hadn't anticipated.
Arriving on the scene were 22 dancers and 40 junior artists . . . in
addition to the camera, lighting and set crew! The logistics alone were
overwhelming. I can't imagine what it would have been like had
the planning and preparations not been done properly. Despite all
the hardships, "Dhundoon Tujhe", my Indian cha-cha-cha video
turned out to be an incredibly successful production - thanks to
the visionary director and a great team (small but highly effective).
It feels as if a huge burden has been lifted off of me. ;-)

cast comprised of dancers from SF (Dreamz team), Utah (Arieh),
Banglaore (LVDS dancers and Alex
Diaz), Delhi (Pooja and Reema),
Bombay (Sejal, Seema, Santosh,
Sahiba and Conrad's dance team)."
Every department was thoroughly prepared - as per the specific guidelines from Pradipto, which
resulted in a smooth (relative to other such productions, I've been
told) execution on our shoot days. Pradipto's meticulous planning
and the profound knowledge he had in every department of the production
can be equated to nothing less than exemplary. "Damn, this
guy is good" - I caught myself saying numerous times throughout
the production.
We had an eclectic group of dancers. I couldn't have asked for a
better group of dancers to work with. I was fully confident about
their dancing skills, but they surprised both Pradipto and myself with
their additional acting and performance skills. They were totally on
it! The cast comprised of dancers from SF (Dreamz team), Utah
(Arieh), Banglaore (LVDS dancers and Alex Diaz), Delhi (Pooja and
Reema), Bombay (Sejal, Seema, Santosh, Sahiba and Conrad's dance
team). A quick side note about Alex Diaz, who is an excellent
dancer and performer. Alex is originally from NY, but currently
settled in Banglaore. I met him at the Bangalore Salsa Congress.
Excellent dancer and performer. We had rehearsals for 3 days with the
Bangalore dancers (thanks to Lourd for providing us with all
facilities), then another bootcamp in Bombay for the dancers from Delhi
and Bombay that lasted 4 days.
I also roped in Lourd Vijay in to be part of the cast. Another
surprise element (not anymore, I guess) is the guest appearance by
Ashwin Mushran. A good friend of mine, also a great salsa dancer,
instructor and DJ. He was kind enough to accept my invitation to
play a part in the music video. If you ever get to see him do
stand-up comedy, don't miss it. This guy is hillllarious..!!!
Dreamz Team dancers Tatiana Lim, Jon Entwistle and Elena Gil - along
with Arieh, were in charge of the rehearsals and training of the new
dance crew, and boy they did an excellent job!! It was a tall
order to teach and clean-up a lengthy choreography in just a matter
of few days. All of them worked so hard to get all the
details down to the T. Tatiana was more like my pillar of trust
and support. We would call her "Mama", as she was the primary
caretaker . . . handing out medicines, tissues and whatever they asked
for. :-) Almost all of the dancers were getting sick
due to the sudden change in weather and lack of sleep, but none of them
gave up or delivered anything less than excellence. They were
such troopers, hiding all tiredness and ill feeling and giving it there
all. Amazing people..!!
Kristen and I had to work separately with Pradipto for quite a while to
get the right expressions and reactions for our different scenes.
This music video is more like a miniature movie, with the story being
told in less than 5 minutes. There is a lot of emotion and drama
that's being portrayed, which is seamlessly woven into the music and
dance. Each scene is highly detail oriented. It was a difficult
job to sing, dance and act while also remembering the timing and
direction requirements for every given shot! Pradipto's tips,
along with the support from the cast provided us both with tremendous
help. Kristen was a revelation in this video. She totally
impressed me and everyone with her acting prowess. She had
prepared well. I can't think of a better choice for the role she
was asked to portray.
One of the many things that I'm really stoked about in this video is -
the costumes. Pradipto had reworked the "overall" look
for the dancers just a few days before the shoot. He had sketched
out a unique blend of Indian and Western styles. Very eye
catching. Once I gave his concept the green light, he brought in
Dipali, who ended up playing a critical role in this production, which
was to assist him with styling. Pradipto and Dipali spent an hour
and a half, on average, with each dancer, hand picking the right
combination of outfits, footwear and accessories. Though it was a
painstaking process, the result was stupendous. With her affable
personality, Dipali became every one's favorite on the set.
My Home Town
The morning after the shoot, I took the Dreamz Team and Pradipto to
Kerala (my home town), for a much needed wind-down. We spent a night
and a day on a houseboat there, just relaxing.

Left: Kristen Nolan, Tatiana Lim, John Entwistle, Elena Gil &
The editing work is being completed as I write this. I’m very
keen to watch the first rough cut. On another exciting note, my other
music video, directed by Sandeep, is ready now! The result is
fantastic (as per our assessment). Of course, we have to wait and
see if the audience, including all of you, share the same
opinion! ;-)
It was a long blog this time. Believe me, I tried to be as
concise as possible. I’m signing off with heaps of gratitude and
regards for all the dancers, technicians and the key players who made
these videos a reality and to all of you for your incessant support and
love. I’m truly blessed.
Until next month, Adios y paz
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